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Beyond the Body! Developing Inner Beauty

Edited by Linda Ellis Eastman, founder of The Professional Woman Network.

Authors include:

Mardi Allen, April Jones, Heidi Santiago, Martha Kirby, Tamera Swan Mason, Patricia Cheeseboro, Riki Lovejoy, Mary Ann Alexander, Sherron Sparks Hain, L. Denise Jackson, Hannah Cruther, Violet Mathis, Karen Deslandes, Sharyn Yonkman, Rosemary Medel, Michele' Lawlis, Ruby Ashley, Dot Everhart, Linda Farr, Jane Turner Denner, Dr. Daphne Young, Brenda McDowell Holmes, Dr. Tammy McDonald, Karen Brundage-Johnson, Alice Maxin


Contact: Professional Woman Publishing
P.O. Box 333 • Prospect KY. 40059
Tele: 502.345.4139

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and Becoming a member of The Professional Woman Network (PWN)


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