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Lorraine Holmes Milton

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Company Name: Lorraine's Creations









Lorraine Holmes Milton

Co-Authored Books:

  • Perspectives: Poems That Will Touch Your Heart
  • Pinnacle: Poems That Will Inspire You
  • Disaster Master Plan: Prepare or Despair - It's Your Choice
  • My Son Went To Jail for Taking A Bath: A "MUST READ" For Every Parent and Their Teenager
  • The Stroke That Woke Me Up! Hope, Healing, Health, and Happiness


Veteran -- served 21 years in military -- 11 years US Air Force (Enlisted), 10 years US Navy (Officer)
Inventor (Versatile Blanketpad)
Founder (DPK Company LLC and Lorraine's Creations)
Author (5-time) -- #1 Amazon BEST Seller (Disaster Master Plan)
Artist (wrote and recorded 2 songs, Love and I Am My Mama's Child)

Seminars/Keynotes Offered:

Preparing for disaster
Parent's: Don't let your sons play with toy guns


Born in Detroit, Michigan.
4 college degrees (2 Masters): M.S., Psychology and Counseling
M.A., Management and Human Relations
B.A., Interdisciplinary Studies (concentration in Psychology)
A.A.S., Healthcare Management
Starting a non-profit and preparing to build a school in Detroit, Barack and Michelle Obama School of Excellence (BMOSE).
Starting a non-profit, ElderCare of Michgan (Because We Care)-This program gives warm clothing to senior citizens.


Contact: Professional Woman Publishing
P.O. Box 333 • Prospect KY. 40059
Tele: 502.345.4139

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and Becoming a member of The Professional Woman Network (PWN)
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