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Patricia Yancy

Patricia Yancy - Proverbs 32


  • Proverbs 32: Maxims for the Mind, Body and Soul
  • Contributing Writer to: The Female Architect: How to Rebuild Your Life


  • Public Speaking
  • Project Management
  • Business Analysis and Architecture
  • Director of Music

Seminars and topics offered:

  • Ministry:
    • Women's Ministry Workshops/Retreats
    • Youth and Young Adult Ministry/Workshops
  • Corporate:
    • Effective Project Management Workshops
    • Scope and Requirements Writing Workshops

Patricia Yancy is a gifted speaker and writer who provides deeply reflective material for her audiences. Her highest purpose in writing is to challenge her readers to identify and practice the type of personal principles that will encourage and strengthen them — mind, body and soul. Her style of writing helps readers take healthy introspective journeys. She will challenge you to focus on the places where your values, along with how you think and commit to them, intersect for personal success.

Her passion is mentoring younger adults that are looking for strong pillars within their communities that can encourage and advise them. Her mentoring mission statement is: "Helping younger generations think higher to achieve greater".

Patricia's first book is, "Proverbs 32 – Maxims for Your Mind, Body and Soul" (2016). Her first music single, "Morning Praise", was released in August 2015 (available on ITunes). She is a contributing author for the book, "The Female Architect – How to Rebuild Your Life" published by Professional Woman Publishing (2016). In addition, she was a contributing writer for the book, "Look What Love Can Do! God's Healing Heart Ministry" by Tarlean Bell Dotson as well as for an online Christian women's magazine.

In addition to her corporate senior management positions, Patricia has enjoyed serving as a teacher for church ministries, a volunteer for prison ministries, as well as a musician and music director.

Patricia is available for workshops, seminars and retreats. She can be contacted via email at patriciayancy@sbcglobal.net for speaking engagements and book orders.



Contact: Professional Woman Publishing
P.O. Box 333 • Prospect KY. 40059
Tele: 502.345.4139

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